A fallen angel.
“Do you know the story of the son who loved his father deeply but had a different view of humanity. An angel who fell from the pedestal his father held him highly upon simply because he refused to bow. The favourite son, left to drown his sorrows through pain and chaos in the underworld and on earth. Depicted in many forms such as a red skinned monster walking on hoofs with horns on its head, or the hot bad boy who just wants to have fun. Used as a threat to mankind everywhere to ensure people would do the righteous thing. Rituals were performed in his honour by those who were seen as outcasts in the most brutal ways.
Most know this story as the story of the devil, the leader of hell, Satan. The fallen son who broke his fathers heart. In many forms of media within the world, his story was seen as what happens if you don’t obey the commandments of the church or the higher power, god.
Lucifer Morningstar is known as the devil, but who is he to you? Is he a mistaken for a broken soul? Or is he what we believe he is? A liar. He didn’t care for his father. Should a son obey his father with blind faith? While you may question things, it is important to listen to thy father. For he has experience and knowledge from his age.” The pastor blabbered at the front of the church during the Sunday morning service. Chara had come along as a courtesy to her grandmother. She hadn’t been to a church since she had left home to start college, yet that weekend she found herself staying at her grandmother’s home for Easter. She had worn her nicest soft sky blue dress, matching it was white flats and a white shall. Her grandmother had taken the time to braid Chara’s hair into long ponytails on either side of her head. She had attempted to wear some soft brown eyeliner before her grandmother snatched the pen out of her hand and said “God sees us for who we are. Do not cover up your natural beauty with the devil’s makeup.”
Chara was never one to fight her grandmother’s wishes as she had always been the inspiration for Chara’s kind and giving nature. Chara tried her best to only see the good in people, the silver lining to a dark cloudy situation, but at that particular moment, Chara found herself angry at the pastor. No one should blindly follow anyone. Faith and trust are earned, maybe somewhere along the way, Lucifer's father had broken that trust. Why shouldn’t he question things? When Chara was younger she may have asked her grandmother these questions, but at 23 Chara knew it was better to keep some thoughts and questions to herself.
“Please join me in closing our service today with a prayer and song before we begin our Easter festivities.” The pastor cheerfully instructed as everyone bowed their heads. “Our father, thou heart in heaven…”
Chara found herself lost in thought as the pastor led the prayer. The same questions swirling around in circles. Her train of thought was derailed as the tall man sitting next to her whispered into her ear.
“It’s not his intention to cause such dark questions in such a beautiful mind. Some may think those thoughts are unholy. Punishable by an afterlife in hell.”
Chara felt goosebumps coat her skin as ice ran through her veins. Had she said something out loud? Glancing at her grandmother as they stood to sing the final hymn, there had been no change in her demeanour as her grandmother laid her hands over her heart and sang with such faith and joy.
Turning her eyes to the voice, Chara was shocked to see the space was now empty. Had she received a message from god, telling her to smarten up? Or had the devil just warned her about a future?
Shaking her head, Chara stood up straighter. A moment of doubt was acceptable, everyone had them from time to time. That was normal. It was probably the man with the child behind her. She probably misheard what had been said.
The hymn ended shortly after Chara fully collected herself. Following the people to the large yard behind the church, she smiled as the warm sun touched her skin.
“Such a wonderful service this morning Pastor Ryan!” Her grandmother gushed, taking the pastor’s hand in her own.
“Why thank you, Gretal!” The pastor said over the laughter of children finding the Easter eggs on the lawn. “And thank you Chara for joining us this weekend! It was a blessing to have you here!”
“Thank you, Pastor! I was happy to accompany Grandmother, I haven’t realized how much I missed her since I left for college.” Chara spoke sweetly.
“Well, God has a plan for each of us. Follow the righteous road and he shall always lead you home.” Pastor Ryan said gently shaking Charas hand before dismissing himself.
“Chara, would you mind grabbing me a drink? All that singing has left me quite thirsty.” Her grandmother requested as she stepped towards a chair on the lawn next to several other seniors.
“Of course grandma,” Chara said happily as she began to make her way toward the table of treats.
“Hello again, Chara.” A deep voice spoke beside her suddenly, startling her as he calmly walked next to her towards the table.
“Oh hello, my apologies, but I can’t seem to match your face to a name.” She said with a sincere voice as she picked up a paper cup of water.
“No worries darling. I just wanted to check on you after the service, your father seemed shaken.” He spoke, sending chills down Chara’s spine. Her hand lost its strength, allowing the cup to tumble from her hand to the grass, soaking her shoes.
“I-I’m sorry?” She asked, thinking back to the prayer.
“Relax, your secrets are safe with me.” He said retreaving his own cup of water. “Have a wonderful Easter, Chara.”
Frozen in shock, Chara watched as the tall man walked away from her and towards the parking lot.
“Chara my dear? Are you alright? Oh, your shoes are soaked! Take them off and let them dry in the sun!” Her grandmother fussed, breaking her out of her trance.
“I’m alright Grandma, sorry.” She said, picking up the paper cup. “Hey grandma, do you know that man I was speaking to?”
“No my dear, he must be new to town! How exciting! Maybe you’ll see him at dinner, we invited the Morningstars over for dinner.” Her grandmother smiled sweetly./
“I’m sorry who?” Chara gasped. Her grandmother couldn’t have said Morningstar could she?
“The Mostars, my dear. Maybe it was one of their children? Your grandfather invited them over for dinner. Such a sweet family, well the parents at least. The father is a doctor, the mother works in the library and volunteers at the soup kitchen, and they have two sons about your age.”
“Right, the Mostars,” Chara said as her thoughts drifted away.
Dinner with the Devil
The dining room had been set up with the best dinnerware that Grandma owned. “Only the best when we have new friends arrive. Need to put our best foot forward.” Grandma would always say.
Chara had managed to slip away for a few minutes to apply a small amount of eyeliner and touch up her hair. If her grandmother asked, Chara would simply say she was putting her best foot forward for the new friends. It was a bit spiteful but Chara always had a small streak of spitfire in her. It's how she protected her friends from bullies when they were younger. It's how she kept the seniors at the nursing home from hurting themselves, or how she kept those who had a bit too much in their beds before they slept off the last of it. She was sunshine but could burn if someone pushed their luck. Not that anyone would ever think she could with her small stature and large blue eyes.
As she finished rebraiding the bottom of her ponytail, a knock came on the door, followed by happy greetings.
“Chara” her grandmother's voice carried up the stairs. “Put the books down and come meet our guests!”
“Coming!” She called back, tossing her hair over her shoulder. With a final glance in the mirror, she made sure to close the door to her temporary room before descending the stairs.
“Ahh! Here she is!” Her grandmother rushed up to the stairs, and with gentle force she pulled Chara over to the ground. “This is my granddaughter Chara. Chara, this is Mr and Miss. Mostar. Their eldest son Michael and his little brother Nick.” Her grandmother said as Chara attempted to welcome each one. Chara froze as she went to shake Nick’s hand. It was him. The man from the church.
“Nick is about your age Chara. Why don’t you two go upstairs and talk for a bit while the rest of us get acquainted in the living room?” Her grandmother suggested pushing a nail into Chara’s side.
“Oh, Miss. Venust, we would be more than happy to help you finish cooking.” Michael offered with his best smile. Chara was sure she saw his teeth sparkle as he flashed his pearly whites at her grandmother.
“Oh, such a gentleman.” Grandmother said as she ushered them into the kitchen. Grandfather had taken it upon himself to get to know Mr and Miss. Mostar as he offered them a drink before sitting them down in the living room with the appetizers.
“So nice to meet you again Chara.” Nick smiled at her, taking her hesitation as a chance to fully take her in. Her light brown hair was neatly braided in two sections. Her skin was gently tanned. She was a little shorter than the average woman and a touch thicker but she carried herself well. Her ears had two small silver hoops in them with a faded second hole in each. Nick couldn’t help but take an extra moment to take in her full chest. She had to be a D at least if not slightly larger.
“Uh yes. Sorry I did not know your name at the church. I can’t seem to recall when we last met.” Chara said, straightening herself.
“Not a problem at all my darling. Would you like to go upstairs?” Nick offered.
“Oh, Grandma was probably trying to play matchmaker.” Chara smiled softly. “She doesn’t quite understand why I would rather work than be a housewife.”
“I would still like to sit and get to know you Chara.” Nick pushed again. Chara hesitated. Going to her room felt like a large step with someone she had just met. While it was something she didn’t mind doing as a child, it seemed far more intimate when she became an adult. “Besides, you owe me a story about those unholy thoughts,” Nick smirked, walking past her to the stairs. He knew his words would send chills down her spine. A little chaos was good for the soul. Especially one as pure and sweet as hers.
Chara felt her stomach rock as she slowly turned to follow the man who had walked straight to her door. With the laughter fading into the background, Chara felt her feet carry her after the tall man. She must have said something by accident that her grandmother hadn’t heard.
Walking into her room she found Nick standing at her dresser with a book in his hands. As she hesitantly entered, she was able to actually look at him for the first time. He was at least two feet taller than her. She had to tilt her head back slightly in order to look him in the eye. His body which was currently covered in a well-fitted black suit did little to hide the muscles that peeked through. Around the collar, she could see little black marks suggesting he had tattoos hidden under his clothes. His black hair while neatly brushed back seemed to have several untameable strands. His large hands clasped around a book as he smirked down at the page marked with a pink tab.
“Do you enjoy reading about others' lives rather than living your own?” He questioned crashing Chara's train of thought once again.
“Do you normally invite yourself into strangers' rooms and go through their possessions?” Chara sassed back, plucking the book from his hands and placing it back in the sock drawer it had come from.
“If you don’t want me to know something, stop acting as if they are sins.” Nick chuckled.
“Reading is not a sin. Knowledge is not a sin. And living life without going to church or believing everything my grandmother does is not a sin either.” Chara said sitting on the bed.
“No but reading such dirty books that you feel the need to hide might be.” Nick sassed.
“I’m sorry, we seem to be getting off on the wrong foot here,” Chara said, straightening herself. “What do you do for work?”
“I lead,” Nick said revealing very little.
“Oh, well I’m in school to become a nurse. What do you like to do for fun?”
“Cause chaos.”
“Do you have many friends?”
“Are you close with your family?”
“No, are you always this bright and cheerful?”
“Usually. I like to see the best in people. The silver lining on a dark day. You sound lonely. You must have a friend or someone to confide in.”
“My dog. Cerberus”
“Oh ,that’s cute! What type of dog?”
Feeling the conversation going nowhere Chara decided to face her demons head-on. Of course, she wouldn’t have demons if she kept her mouth shut.
“What did you mean by my unholy thoughts?”
“You were questioning god. Wondering about lucifer were you not?”
“I was but that isn’t a sin is it? Everyone should question things.”
“What would you say if I told you everything you knew wasn’t how it went?”
“I’d ask why.”
“Do you always question everything?”
“I like to know things.”
Nick sat down closely to Chara.
“Even if it means you could get into trouble?”
“There’s always light at the end of a tunnel.”
“That’s not what I asked,” Nick said leaning into Chara. “I'm troubled Chara. Stay on the right path.” He continued, his lips brushing against hers.
“Show me the right path., Chara said, opening herself up to him.
“Not me” Nick said, suddenly standing and leaving the room.
“Chara! Nick! Dinner!” Chara’s grandmother called up the stairs.
Dinner went off without an issue, but Chara continued to wonder about Nick. He was polite with her grandmother. Kind to her Grandfather. His family knew all the right things to say. But there was a moment or two where it seemed like reality wasn’t actually happening.
By the time dessert was served Chara had felt very strange. She had a rock in her stomach. She noticed many things about the Mostars. But mostly about Nick. He seemed to be the black sheep, while Michael was the golden child. Nick was quiet while his parents bragged about all of Michael’s achievements. Few words were said about Nick.
At the end of the night, Michael had won the hearts of both her grandparents, and while Chara normally would have swooned over a man like that, her mind focused on Nick and the way he was treated in his own family.
Standing on the curb as Michael and his parents gave their final good nights to Chara’s Grandparents, Chara followed Nick as he walked around the bush to hide for a moment. Chara watched in silence as Nick pulled out a cigarette from his pocket.
“Bad habits die hard.” He chuckled offering one to Charta.
“No thanks.” Chara declined, watching as the smoke slipped out past his lips. “What did you mean that you are not the right path?”
“My brother seems to be more your type.”
“But I’m not standing here talking to your brother.”
“I’m curious Chara, do you believe that god and the devil could be walking on the earth with us?”
“Grandma likes to say we all have a little of both in us. It's what we choose to bring out that matters.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“Yea, I think they could. They did once, what’s to say they aren’t now.”
“If you could meet them, who would you rather meet?”
“Lucifer,” Chara answered with no hesitation. It was something she had thought about before. She knew most people would say, god. To ask him about the meaning of life, about the afterlife. But she often wondered about the devil. Not in a cult way or a satanic way.
“Why?” Nick said leaning into the conversation. Showing more interest than he had the whole time he had been around her.
“Because I would want to know if he was ok. I would want to know if he needed a friend or if he needed someone to listen. Someone to understand him, or at least try to. Everyone needs someone.”
Chuckling at her response, Nick took a final puff off the cigarette before dropping it to the ground.
“I’m sure he’s fine. Besides, he probably has all of those demons keeping him company.”
“Maybe. Maybe he’s trying to help them get into heaven”
“What makes you say that?”
“There's some good in everyone, why not hope for the best?” Chara shrugged wrapping her arms around herself to stop from shivering in the cold wind.
“You’re a strange one Chara Venust.” Nick said casually slipping his jack off and wrapping it around her shoulders before she could protest. “I hope we meet again.” He said before walking back to the black Lincoln Navigator that sat on the curb. He slipped into the driver's seat and didn’t wait long before driving away from her.
“Such a nice family!” Her Grandma said as her Grandpa hugged her close, leading her back inside, leaving Chara standing alone watching the car drive down the road. As it made its way in the distance, Chara could have sworn she saw the other three members of the family fade away, leaving only Nick driving off alone.
Hugging his jacket closer, Chara waited until the car was completely out of sight before returning to the house. Her mind raced with more thoughts. Thoughts Nick would describe as unholy, Chara couldn’t help it. She wondered about what really happened. If Lucifer was happy or if he was lonely. The thoughts plagued her mind as she showered, wished her grandparents a good night and climbed into bed