dedicated to my mother who has put up with my teenage years, my stupid moments and my bad decisions. I love you, mommy. <3
my mother moved through a thousands of lives.
while I was not her firstborn, only her second in a team of four
she has done us proud in each life.
she's smart,
nursing lives back together
she's brave,
finishing school when we were too young to understand.
she's crazy,
living like a gypsy with 7 fur-babies in a trailer or two
she's my hero
against the evils within my closet or the ones in my head.
she's trustworthy,
keeping my secrets and protecting my treasures.
she's honest,
doing right by her family but never compromising herself.
she is like no other mom
telling me when to shut up and grow up or to sit down and break down.
she's loving,
bring in anything that needs to be protected and giving it some TLC
she's strong,
keeping her pain hidden not to scare us, but getting the help she needs with a smile
she's amazing
makes us love ourselves or makes us better so we can learn to love ourselves.
she's my best friend
she's my gypsy
she's my mom